A Thai Prenuptial agreement is considered as a private contract made prior to the marriage, concerning personal and marital properties between both spouses who are to be governed by statutory marriage laws. Under Thai law, a Thai prenup should be made prior to marriage and should be registered together with the marriage at the local district office – it cannot be made after the marriage registration. When a Thailand prenuptial agreement is made prior to the marriage. But is not registered together with the marriage registration, then the agreement shall be deemed void.
Prenuptial Agreement in Thailand
As mandated by Thailand’s marriage laws, the prenuptial agreement basically outlines all the assets of both parties brought into the marriage marital assets during the marriage. A prenuptial agreement may also outline the couple’s intent on how to segregate marital assets in case the marriage is terminated thru death or divorce. Although in a contested divorce. The Thai courts will have to determine the enforce-ability of certain clauses. This and its compliance with Thai laws. Any terms which is not in compliance with the nature and principles of Section 1533. Stating that marital assets are equally divided between husband and wife. This and Section 1535, which states that the husband and wife. They are equally liable for any common debts. This will be deemed against the law and is considered void.
The Prenuptial agreement in Thailand can be drafted both in Thai and another language, and is recognized by law as long as:
– Both parties is knowledgeable of the contract’s content;
– The clauses included are not against the law or good morals, with a little flexibility;
– The contract should be signed in front of two witnesses and registered together with the marriage registration;
If the couple completes all the requirements, then basically, a valid Thai prenuptial agreement will be created under Thai law. Any unjust terms in the prenuptial. This or any of which are under Thai law considered against the good morals of society. This will be considered as null and void. Any clause in the contract included in the contract siting. That the relationship between husband and wife as regards to marital property which is to be governed by foreign laws shall also be void.